The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

We live in a digital era, we have access to all of the world's knowledge at our fingertips, to all of the creative endeavors and all of the best porn sites available on the internet, and I for one fucking love it! Free sex content absolutely everywhere in any format. Shit, you can even watch it on your mobile phone and have a quick wank while on your lunch break. We live in a pornography-filled culture, yet there is a specific segment of porn society that prefers things a little more old-fashioned.

Review Of Mc stories Erotic Mind Control Stories Website

MC Stories Erotic Mind Control Stories Archive is a porn site for extreme adult literature. It is a story index and a thriving forums hub for fans of all written pornographic content. A place for avid readers and lovers of sexual fetishes to read quality mind control sex stories and let their imagination soar and even share new erotic material with each other.

If you prefer your erotic material with a touch of science fiction and fantasy roleplay with a mind-control theme compared to the kind of porn videos you see on a more average site, then you're in the right place. Porn sites like the Mcstories website cater to a specific market of fans who get hot from reading sex stories and adult x-rated literature.

Mind Control Story Archive

The MCStories website is completely upfront and honest about its stories about mind control being 100% fictitious and its homepage explains the type of pornography that members share on it and lists 3 disclaimers for you to read before entering the site.

They explain that the content on the MC Stories site contains explicit scenarios and detailed descriptions of extreme sexual situations that are rooted in pure fantasy, and would be highly immoral in real life.

Brilliant! Let's get started. The disclaimers are actually pretty funny and they add to that feeling of excitement like you're about to do something really naughty. Highly questionable content? What exactly does the Mcstories community get off on? I'm intrigued.

Sex Stories And Erotic Mind Control

There are no limits to what kind of erotic literature you will find on the MCStories site. There are 26 different categories on the Mcstories website and almost all of them would fall under the categorization of fetish or kink.

Do some contain more traditional fetishes such as bondage, lactation, masturbation, and even watersports? I can only imagine, perhaps something to do with the wetsuits?

And then some which are borderline legal. Some with themes that are entirely not legal at all. We're talking scatology, non-consensual, incest, growth/enlargement of bodies and parts, and even cannibalism, I mean definitely lots of fetish and kinky stuff, as well as the main themes that permeate. So mind-control, obviously, and then a lot of domination/submission categories too. Female-dominant, humiliation, lactation, there's even a robots category. The type of content within each category spans a wide range of erotic literature. From fairly tame sex stories and mind control stories to full-blown disturbing fucking filth!

What more could a perverted XXX adult fan want from erotic mind control sex stories sites?

Why Mind Control?

There is a strong element of power dynamics and exchanges present within the theme of mind control. It is comparable to BDSM porn in the sense that humiliation and domination are present throughout. Not to mention that consent becomes more complex, as if somebody else has taken control of your mind, you are no longer in control, and therefore can't consent to any given situation.

The kind of fetishes explored with the writing of the MCStories site is quite extreme and delves into very taboo areas. As there is no limitation to the descriptions and depravity in the stories, the scenes can involve absolutely anything, as the depth of material is only limited by the author's imagination.

Even compared to some of the best porn sites out there, text-based pornography always goes that little bit further, pushing the boundaries of what's acceptable. Which makes it the perfect porn medium to explore extreme fetishes such as incest, cannibalism, or bestiality.

MCStories Website Layout

The main Mc stories homepage has a list of the 8 main sections that you can visit with the site. First is the Frequently Asked Questions section, followed by Titles, Authors, Categories, Reader's Picks, Recent Additions, MC Forum, and The Garden Of MC.

I decided to jump into the mc stories categories and have a look around. Next to each of the categories is a correlating number telling you how many stories are included in each section. I actually like the way the site is organized, sure it's simple, but that's why. It's not jumping with imagery and colors, just plain and simple.

I mentioned some of the categories earlier, bondage and/or discipline, comic book: superhero-heroine, masturbation, among others. I clicked on cannibalism as it has the least amount of stories, so the fact that this is taboo and kind of rare on a sex stories site like MCStories sparked my curiosity.

When you enter a category the titles of the stories are listed on the left-hand side and follow certain color codes. Each color explains the type of content you'll find within each story. So these color codes help you to know for example that yellow titles are mm, meaning male/male sex, or green, meaning the story follows a female dominant theme. On the right-hand side of the screen, there are abbreviations also indicating what type of content is contained.

So in the Science Fiction section, there are 495 stories, and I choose the title 'Adoring my Robot Overlord' which is highlighted in red, which means it's full of ff: female/female sex, it also contains mc: mind control, ds: dominance and /or submission, and SF: science fiction. Again, it's a simple system and one that you would have to familiarise yourself with, but it works and it allows you to narrow your searches dependent on your desires.

The ‘Reader’s Picks’ section is also a really helpful tool, and if you're not sure what exactly you're in the mood for, this is a great place to find hot, quality reads that have been rated by existing members. The ‘Recent Additions’ section of the MCStories site contains new stories uploaded by members, just bear in mind, they're not organized by topic or theme, so you'll be bombarded by a whole load of stuff here.

MC Forum is basically a very enthusiastic online forums community committed to all things relating to mind control erotica. Here you can discuss stories and books, share a review of mc movies or videos, services, or absolutely anything mind-control porn-related. It's basically a huge index of message boards and is free to all MCStories members, you can also access it as a guest user without an account. Special Features

The 'MC Garden' is where you want to head if you are a budding writer and feel like you have a flair for MC erotic fiction and want to share your work and develop your style. To access this feature, you will have to sign up and register for a membership. The 'MC Garden' section aims to set activities and tasks for budding MC erotica writers. A subsection here is called 'The Challenge Grounds' where MCStories members can feature writing competitions and exhibitions.

MCStories Pros

  • A huge amount of MC Stories
  • Lots of taboo categories
  • Very active community
  • Well organized site
  • Clear rules and boundaries in place
  • More features than other sex stories sites

MCStories Cons

  • Website design is pretty boring
  • No search bar
  • Questionable quality of some stories as written by members
  • The forums sections can be difficult to navigate

Final Thoughts on

The sheer range and diversity of the categories at MCStories is what really interests me. The review has introduced me to themes and kinks I never knew existed. I can safely say that I really enjoyed m time on mc stories, navigating the strange and twisted worlds of fantasy created by its dedicated community. There are no Disney happy endings here, perhaps some happy ending, but more like the kind you'll get in a cheap massage parlor.

If you like your erotic literature dark, intense, and full of science fiction, mind-control, and fantasy subject matter, you're in the right place.

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