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ASSTR - Blast from the Past?!

SEX STORIES for free on this page and site

Let's get this one out of the way immediately - the site for alt sex stories text repository looks like it was dragged out of some time when the Monica Lewinsky scandal was blasting through radios across America, and hopeless romantics were hitting the theaters for the 10th viewing of the Titanic! Porn sites like asstr may tell an old story, but it is one touch that keeps on giving. The best things are usually curated through time. Erotic stories that have been here for this long? You may be interested in more modern takes of sex stories, but it would not hurt to look through how it used to be.

ASSTR has been around for a lifetime my friend. The domain was first established back in 1998; however, there was some print newsgroup with many readers of the same name that preceded it. While aged, this text repository has kept its head well-above water, logging over 1,400,000 monthly visits, and over 47,000 daily visits.

The site may look a little off-putting at first; however, it is important to note and be aware off that its form is extremely streamlined, simple and reader-friendly

In the following paragraphs, I will review asstr and touch on some key features, content, and layout.

Wait, Sex Stories?? Yes, Sex Stories

Okay, now we get to the real meat of this site- the finest, largest, and most curated collection of high-quality erotic stories that porn sites have to offer. Yes no videos, or movies, but don't let that put you off text-based sites! (They do have some pictures though!)

I know we are all used to the usual, specifically video and video format. It may be weird at first, especially if you are used to seeing a girl getting fucked or a girl fucking someone. Though you may think it is limited... You can always try and check it out for yourself. You are accessing free sex stories, what more do you need? It is not like it is illegal or anything.

The asstr website boasts a monster library of erotic story content and collections, with over 23 YEARS of cumulative quality content, from thousands of authors and writers. The alt sex stories text repository site has been a breeding ground for first-class sex literature authors for years. To host a party for someone you don't know, would be weird at first right? But party coordinators get used to it in the long run. You could too. Also, the erotic stories on this website are from a moment in time. Like a specific moment in time, that is way before the 2000s. Okay, I have a ton of alt accounts and, I may just make one for this website.

Come to think about it, It is quite interesting how it still up until now. How I'm writing this article about it, in the 21st century. This shit is older than me, and that should say a lot. Also, erotic stories on the INTERNET in the late 90s. What the fuck, amazing but what the fuck. Such materials are not seen as much today. I mean, we all evolved to the visual art of fucking alt porn stories. Readers can enjoy something like this on the web now. We all know what smut and fanfiction are, but this. This is a whole new breed of eroticism. All these erotic stories and sex stories are based on original characters. Not ships, not real people, not characters from other media.

I am so glad the repository stayed alive for all these years because this is genuinely so cool. I may just be so excited out over a a fucking repository right now. I would want to personally message the creators of this site and say, "thank you for the connection of this moment in time to, the current moment. Without you guys, I don't think authors from that long ago would still have their work out to the world."

Anyways back to the main topic, free erotic stories, and free sex stories.

They have a ton of categories, sex stories, incest stories, collections, and other reading material available to users. This is to say, there is a category that fits every orientation, inclinations, and niche interest that one could want - truly a something for everyone situation! All the best porn sex stories are offered completely free, and most impressively, on a platform completely free of ads! Site-wide on the ASSTR porn site, you will never catch even the smallest whiff of an ad on any page, screen, archive, list, collection, or writer's profile. No, you can search these sites with no annoying ads! Down with ads!

 Now you can enjoy erotic literature, sex stories, and erotic stories without having to worry about clicking on some random ad. You can now fully enjoy your erotic stories and the good stuff in peace

Site Registration

It is free. You heard it here folks, it is free. Free site to release sex stories and to read sex stories.

Okay, so for submissions on as it is quite interesting. Users can submit their sex stories directly to the site after undergoing a quick registration process.

The benefits offered to the authors are plenty.

  1. The asstr archives will act as a long-term backup for your most prized sex stories. Secondly, users will always have a quick, easily-accessible source for their work and stories, all through the security of the asstr site without the hassle of having to search other secondary sites. This also allows your stories to be easier to search by users.
  2. The asstr site provides you with advanced statistics concerning your stories, such as daily and monthly visits, length of duration, and several other key metrics. How many other porn websites can offer such a service as asstr org? Not many.

In summary, you may upload your stories and be connected to, not only to a website that stood the test of time but also to a lot of other authors. That might turn into your friends along the way. You may also become one of the people who could make one of someone's favorite stories and, all in all, good stories. The good stuff.

Go write those erotic stories, sex stories, and good stories.

Actual Erotic Stories and Sex Stories

Okay, enough about asstr site services? I hear you. But to be fair, I do want to review asstr, and you're reading it so you sort of signed up for this thing. I mean I could go on and on, with linked shit like sex stories for your amusement but let us carry on with the review.

ASSTR Authors

Here you can access all author-related information. You can browse their profiles on this page, where they feature personal write-ups detailing where why they got their inspiration to post their stories to porn sites such as asstr. This is a unique feature many other sites don't offer. You also can filter through and see all "newly arrived" authors, who are aspiring to become the next storied erotica connoisseur. So now you can see new stories with the help of their search engine.


Here is the area where you can find, as described by the site, "Exquisite anthologies prepared by discriminating collectors". To me, this reads as people who are really, really into staying at home on weekends, with a lot of free time, who love to read about sex and may even be writing themselves.

This is exactly what I am looking for when I want the absolute best porn stories. I want a list. I want an old list. Not only that, but I want some of the best available text-based stories available to men. I want it available in the comfort of my own home. I don't want to search 10 sites, I want one! So hats off to you, collectors, and thank you a lot for your text-based anthologies. Please send updates as required!

You never know, with the help of their search engine you may find some good stories that may turn into your favorite stories. Just be sure to look at the next story codes. (just in case you want it linked)

Spotlights on Sex Stories

In this section, specific pieces of erotica (porn stories) are highlighted for all to see. It breaks down into two categories: spotlights from asstr authors, and reader recommendations.

Author spotlights are cool. They allow authors to place their work in the spotlight section to gain traction on specific stories. Sex stories do take the limelight but, aside from sex stories. There is shit here like porn. You may tell me right now, that that is one of the = keywords for sex stories... 

Posts will stay hosted for 30 days, and then will be organized into the spotlight archive list. This is given updates monthly, so be sure to check for any new lists. (spoiler: there are a lot on this site).

Finally, we have the reader recommended. This is a nice feature because anyone can recommend something, maybe one particular story that resonated with them, quickly and anonymously through this option. It is always nice to see what things other people are getting off on when left to their own devices. Everyone on this site

Sex stories on this site do stand the test of time and have been proven by this website. The internet can sometimes be the shittiest place ever but then you see other content like this, and it kinda changed that. Keywords like sex, porn, and communication seem to be all present on this website. I am aware that when you upload something to the internet, that it would stay forever, and well this proves that. Actual proof, so remembers not to post anything illegal on social media.

This site is intended for porn stories, sex stories all for free. A site made for sex stories is free... You do lose nothing if you look at one story on this website. Pages like this have backup pages. Here are some of the links that you could visit. (all of these are also free sites)

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