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TubSexer Free Porn Tube Site Review

The main reason why everyone's still looking for other free porn tube sites even though they already know a couple of them is because there's no such thing as perfect. That list of porn sites most probably includes at least one of the following - PornHub, XVideos, and XHamster. Those three adult websites have a tremendous traffic of around 1 to 2 billion visits every month. However, despite their popularity and massive porn video collections, their users still can't stay loyal like the real insatiable sexual animals they are. Well, it's understandable. That's because while they have humongous collections of porn videos, searching for full porn movies in them is almost like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Now, how about this site? That's what this TubSexer review is for. We'll check out all of the things we need to know about this place, the content to be found, and the features that will make it easy for you to browse porn scenes and make it fun to watch those scenes - if there are any.

Site Layout And Design

Upon landing on this site, I immediately felt a bit disappointed with its overall look. It emits the impression that the content isn't new. It could be because of the thumbnails, the colors, and the logo. Although, if you take a closer look at the layout of this site, it's pretty clean. You can easily see where stuff should be. Just like how it's such a shame that not everyone's talking about the amateur-created sex stories that you can enjoy reading here. While they're not the highlight of this site, there are lots of them for a quick read and some of them are worth your time. That is if you enjoy erotica. Anyway, if you're wondering where they are, you can easily find them when you scroll down the main page.

As I have mentioned, this site has a nice layout - and it's a simple one. The search features are easy to locate and the video sections are useful. The topmost section features Hot Porn Videos which I assume shows off the scenes with the highest ratings. Scroll a bit further down and you'll be able to see another section that has sorting options. It displays New Porn Videos but you can switch to looking at the videos from the Most Viewed, Top Rated, Longest, Most Commented, and Most Favorited.

TubSexer Categories And Models

If you're looking for specific content or scenes, you can simply use the search box. If you're not looking for anything so specific, this site has a lot of features you can use to browse for the scenes you're hoping to find. Right under the search box are the features I'm talking about. This site has features that are similar to what other sites have but other sites don't really have. Aside from the sorting options on one of the homepage sections, some of them are on the menu bar as well - but not all of them are there. The menu includes the latest, top-rated, and most viewed. You can also find the links to different kinds of indexes there such as Categories, Sites, Models, Playlists, Channels, Community, and Sex Stories. Although, let us take our time to check them out one by one.

Actually, you can see all of the categories at the bottom of the main page with the number of content each category has but you can also see them on the Categories page with thumbnails. There are a lot of categories on this site but there are lots more tags. Both of them are based on popular porn scenes and fetishes. They also include what adults love about girls doing porn. However, if you're looking for professional porn girls or even amateurs doing porn, you should check out the Models index. The list or index includes lots of names of professional pornstars from lots of porn studios although I don't think it's updated. While it may not be the answer to your quest for pornstars, it will answer your question if there is content on this site that feature Hollywood celebrities in steamy sex and nude scenes. The Sites index is one of the features and it will show you all the videos that came from a similar porn site as the one you like. If you're wondering what Channels is, it's where you can see all of the tags. I have no idea why this site named it that way but it is what it is. If you're a registered user in this place, you'll be able to use all of the features that this site has including creating your own playlist so you can easily get back to all of the good scenes that you'd like to watch on your next visit. Apparently, it's easy to get registered here as long as you're flexible with your username because this site needs you to create a unique username. It's also easy to create a password here. Also, they just need your email address in case you forget your password. Once you're signed up on this website, you can also interact with other members of the community.

Porn Videos Quality

When it comes to the videos, most of them here aren't long and you'll only find a few with full scenes. They're not as bad as free previews from premium websites so they're good enough for a quick fap. How about the video quality? They're good enough. While there's no HD filter, the HD category works just the same. However, don't expect Ultra HD quality. The videos here are just good ol' HD.

TubSexer Review Summary

There might not be a long list of good and bad points about this porn site but it will still take you long in browsing TubSexer partly because of the ads that keep on popping. That's because, still, there are indeed tons of porn scenes in here coming from all sorts of directions. It's the best thing here.


  • tons of free porn scenes from various sources

  • users can create their own accounts

  • has a good long list of categories and pornstars

  • easy layout


  • the videos take a long time to play

  • lots of different kinds of annoying ads

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