FapXL - Free HD Porn Video Tube, Premium XXX Porn Movies

Watch and download thousands of hd porn movies and premium sex videos for FREE at FapXL! You can even earn money by uploading your own adult videos!

FAPXL: Anything New?

Shemale porn, anyone? Gay porn, perhaps? Or just the usual free porn your horny dicks crave for. FapXL got you and your porn site fanatic ass. Be that as it may, we can't just assume that this free porn site is the best porn site there is. Tons and tons of sites offering free porn videos surface almost every year, even every month, and every single one of these sites claims that they are the best porn sites. So let's take a look at FapXL and see whether this free site competes with all the other best porn sites. After all, there's nothing I'd rather do on this hot Sunday afternoon than review a good all porn providing site and beat meat at the same time.

FAPXL Homepage

Right from the get-go FapXL site homepage introduces you to some clips and thumbnails of porn videos collected from other porn sites. And although some of the quality is not on par with other sites I've made reviews on, it is not a bad thing. We can work with that, Yeah? A little bit of overhauling on their main page design and a few adjustments and they're close. Maybe? Anyway, let's review a bit more on this site and what categories of videos they can offer.

Porn Video Categories

This porn tube site gets you the porn category you want. Standing out of all the categories they have FapXL has focused on giving variety to the diverse community of porn aficionados. Classified into three main categories: Straight Porn, Gay Porn, and Shemale Porn, there's something to look forward to for every community. An additional category would be their Users section, giving you access to the site's list of users.

A further feature that you can take advantage of is their subcategories that let you refine your search and find plenty of free porn videos to jack off to. I'm actually glad that they added a new videos section, this way it's easier to find those latest porn videos instead of endlessly searching their archives.

Video Quality

Things that'll surely get your cock soften are poor quality videos and that's not good. Poor website design is acceptable but not shitty quality content. I've made lots of reviews about different porn sites and their contents, so it's just right that this porn website gets the review, too. I'll just make this quick and tell you that while you go through this website's contents and directory, you need to set your bars low just so you don't get disappointed.

Luckily, I've made this review for all you fap geeks. Here's what I think! If you can only see me right now you'll know that you've made the right choice to try out FapXL.com. After intense searching and browsing, I've seen that the contents on this porn website are in the 720p range. There are new videos uploaded and lengthy porn videos that are just like watching a movie. You'll somehow find the bare minimum amateur videos but only if you go deeper into their archives.

Status: OK

To save you more time, here's something you need to know about the site status. As I am writing this review I suddenly got stuck on FapXL.com's webpage, all because the website is down and all I get is the code Status: OK and a bunch of code characters. FapXL has a dot com domain, that's very popular in all domain types. I was just about to release some load and damn was it a flop, instead of getting that intense porn action I only saw a white and bright screen. FapXL.com definitely needs to update its website or get a better web host.

At The End Of The Day...

We got to review a contending porn tube and all its pros and cons. If there's anything I want them to update on their website aside from the web host, it's the number of content that they update every day.

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