DaftPorn (daftporn.com)
Extreme, bizarre, funny, weird and crazy pornvideos
Watch extreme pornvideos like you never saw before
DaftPorn Extreme Porn Site Review
Warning: this site contains tons of crazy shit videos and other kinds of content that are all real and done by bizarre people.
DaftPorn will surely make you realize how many crazy people there are out there and that's not just about producing extreme porn content but also doing random bizarre things that range from just funny to damn right stupid and extreme gore.
If you like watching these kinds of WTF stuff, DaftPorn might be the right website for you.
Daft Porn Videos And More
As I have said earlier, this website is still considered a porn site, and just like other porn sites, you can find ass, pussy, scat, nipples, and cum here. How they are presented is what's different. Porn sites like DaftPorn are called extreme sites and the videos here are just that. What extreme means is nothing that can be called "normal."
There are several categories for videos here. You can find categories on the upper right side of the main page, and more categories when you click on the "Videos" button on the header.
The categories on the homepage are Family Porn, Extreme Porn, Shocking Porn, Fucked Up Porn, Crazy Porn, Cruel Porn, Huge Cocks, and Dirty Porn. While these titles seem like they're just synonyms of one another, each category has a distinctive feature or at least weirdness level.
If you want more weird stuff, check out the categories on the Video page. The categories include torture, puke, defloration, disgusting, self-suck, and amputee. Don't get deceived by the decent ones like cumshot, pussy, caught, nipples, and spying. The videos on each category are still weird in one way or another like how cumshot actually means cum coming out wrong or you can also expect oversized nipples on that category. If you want only funny videos, you should probably stick to the categories Funny and Sharking.
You can also find videos by typing keywords on the search bar. It's a good feature despite the way it looks because it really gives results based on the title, tags, and description.
DaftPorn Navigation
Although this is basically like a one-way conversation and I won't hear your thoughts about this one, I'm pretty sure we'll agree on how Daft Porn looks like - it looks trashy.
There are a lot of distracting ads and you have to be careful where you click. Clicking somewhere you're not supposed to might make you click on an invisible ad will get you transported to another window.
Aside from those annoying ads which this porn site doesn't offer a way out of, the site layout is pretty much messed up. The navigation bar is on the side and looks like it has a bunch of suspicious links. The thumbnails of videos don't really show much about the content and they're just like random screenshots of a scene from the videos. When you click on a thumbnail, you'll get to a page that looks nothing interesting, and the suggested videos are posted just as text links. There's no review of the video and the pictures are static and the same on every single page.
Banned Stuff On Daft Porn
Aside from tons of bizarre porn content, there are also lots of illegal porn content here especially those porn videos that aren't meant to exist anywhere on the internet. If you like the thrill of doing what's not supposed to be done, you most probably belong here on Daft Porn. Most of the stuff here is, of course, produced by real people with weird hobbies.
Honestly, I find most of the videos here funny than arousing. DaftPorn content, despite being bizarre porn in nature, really is just interesting in a non-pornographic way. I even prepared myself to enjoy some extreme porn action before I decided to explore DaftPorn, however, the moment I started browsing through the videos and pictures here, there's none that turned me on but there were a lot of things that gave me goosebumps particularly the gory stuff. There are a lot of things here that are pretty much insane and some that fit to be called a crime scene. Expect that you can see a lot of things you might not have thought people can possibly do especially to their own body parts when you visit the Torture category. Seriously, dude, it's not your usual BDSM material.
Partner Sites
Here's the biggest reason why DaftPorn lets you access its huge porn collection for free - everything you see on DaftPorn is a preview from other porn sites. Yeah, they don't have their own content. No one seems to upload anything here either. Sorry, guys.
If you are using an ad blocker, you'll realize that if clicking on a button doesn't lead you to another page, it's because that button is supposed to open another site in a way popup ads open. In that case, I suggest that you go check out my review on another site like DaftPorn which has actual shit and has their things updated including a good site design and layout which is not a waste of screen time.
Is There A Community?
As you might guess, probably none. There is not even an option to log in here. There are no comments sections here and not even ratings. Even though there is an option to create an account here, it's easy to tell that no one would choose to do so. After all, it seems like DaftPorn was designed to look like just a search engine for weird stuff only.
There is an option to contact the admin of DaftPorn if a site user wants to submit something, but honestly, has anyone ever done that?
Should You Visit Daft Porn?
I found out that looking for free weird videos is easy if you just visit DaftPorn. However, I can also say that it's definitely not one of the best porn sites and for one, it doesn't look like it has been updated lately. But anyway, here's a summary of the biggest reasons why you should consider checking out this site, or just forget that this site ever existed.
The Good
- tons of free videos that shouldn't exist anywhere on the internet
- a lot of beautiful but deranged girls in the videos
The Bad
- fucking ugly site design and layout
- all of the porn videos and other content are links to other porn sites
- unsafe to browse without an ad blocker
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