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Porn Tube: Previously Gold Porn Tube

Gold Porn Tube is no more, rebranded as Porn Tube

What Kind Of Porn Tube Is PornTube?

PornTube is an adult content tube site, it was previously known as Gold Porn Tube. Let us review if this site is the best porn tube site, and what type of porn you can find on this tube.

Something that helps PornTube stand apart from other sites is that it has multiple filters. For example, there are filters for porn straight, gay, or queer people! It is a great idea and something that should be added to more sites, it would make them more inclusive.

Other than that and its other extensive search options, which we touch on later on in the review, there are a few other features that make this site a contender for the best porn tube site.

Remember that you can bookmark the website page for a particular porn site on our website, Most Popular Porn Sites, we keep the links to the porn sites we review, updated - So make sure to bookmark this page if you enjoy PornTube specifically, as we regularly update our reviews and links to make sure they work!

Streaming And Navigation On Porn Tube

Let us start the review off with a bit of advice about how to navigate this site.

All of the links, the ones at the top of the pages, which underline in bold red - are links to the PornTube website; but if they have a thin white line-under, those are links to other affiliated sites.

Occasionally when you click on a video link or thumbnail it will redirect to another site or when you watch a video, ads pop up beforehand. Ads won't interrupt the scenes you are watching, thankfully

However, despite all of this, it is still a decent free porn site with a good collection of categories. Just something you need to think about, else it will cause issues for you.

Are There HD-quality Videos? What Kind Of Porn Scenes Can You Watch?

You will find popular pornstars linked under the "pornstars" tab at the top of the site with the other categories

The quality of the video generally is good, but not the best porn of all the adult content sites out there. The site is no longer Gold Porn Tube but there are still some golden free porn on this site

Scenes, Categories, And Porn Videos... It's Definitely A Tube Site!

The porn content on PornTube is similar to other popular porn sites like it, there are so many that you might find on Google!

Something that makes it easier to be able to find videos for whichever sexual orientation you might prefer, is being able to switch filters to load different types of porn. This is something that does help PornTube stand out against other tube sites.

PornTube has a great layout for watching porn videos, which is in fact great because new porn videos are added to the thousands of videos available in the PornTube collection, regularly!

The video player has a great design, a simple look, and quality streaming for watching scenes!

PornTube Video Quality

On PornTube, you can load porn videos with different qualities. Some videos will be available in HD, but I get the sense that not a lot of the videos are HD porn, maybe hundreds compared to the thousands in the collection.

PornTube is the host of the videos on the site, so you can play the porn without going to another website

Users Features And Access On PornTube

There is free signup on PornTube, no money involved in signing up for this account

On this site, you can sign up to be a user, or log in if you already have an account - pretty standard stuff with an online account

You can post comments on all the porn, however, non-users can comment anonymously, luckily.

People who have accounts can create playlists of videos. There is an option on the video streaming pages to save the porn, on the video player. If you are a user you will get access to saving porn to playlists or there is an option to download it too, which is a nice touch.

Users can also subscribe to channels on the sites, just because of that the site formally known as Gold Porn Tube is a good contender for one of the best porn sites.

I haven't written many reviews about sites like this that offer a playlist and allow you to subscribe to a channel as well

Appearance And Design

PornTube has a dark background and a clean design.

There are limited ads, not an overwhelming amount, it has an overall clean feel to it.

PornTube has a video player that you can watch porn on the PornTube site without being redirected to another

How To Use The Porn Search Engine On PornTube?

There are lots of options for search options, this site has a lot of different options for refining your search parameters, in a simple and easy format!

On this site, you don't have to open an advanced search to refine your search, the options are right there in front of you

Let me take the time to explain:

At the top, next to the signup and login links, there is a dropdown menu that lists straight, gay, or shemale which refines the videos the website returns on searches and on category pages.

This site caters to all orientations, making it a hot contender for one of the best porn sites. This is one of the best ways out there to filter different sexual orientation categories that I have seen so far, in other words, it makes finding queer content as simple as 'search and scroll'!

You can change from light to dark mode by clicking the gear for the settings dropdown list, this is an option on most sites which is a problem for other sites.

In settings, there is also the option to change between pictures or videos for the thumbnails of the porn videos. This is an especially nice touch to the site.

How To Find The Right Porn Videos For You?

The best way to find the video you like is to apply the filters you want and then search through the tabs for a link that suits you.

I suggest that you should test out different filters to uncover the best porn for your personal tastes!

On PornTube, you can follow the links at the top of the homepage.

There are links like home. Then there are links like all videos, categories, channels, and pornstars, these links have dropdown lists that have more specific links to choose from.

This site has a lot of different ways to refine your search and helps you always find the best categories on it. 

Final Thoughts

The site, when this review was written, has just recently changed their name from Gold Porn Tube and are now known as PornTube!

Remember, you can bookmark our website or this specific page for PornTube (previously Gold Porn Tube), to maintain access to working links and updated site information

You can watch adult content videos on this site without being redirected to another to actually view the porn, at least most. of the time.

This is one of the better adult tube sites.


  •  the porn search engine is good
  • free porn tube sites site
  • HD porn
  • or different streaming quality option on porn
  • a good layout
  • choice
  • night view


  • redirected by some links 
  • changed their name from Gold Porn Tube
  • ads
  • low-quality videos are common

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