BleachBooru (
BleachBooru Porn Chan Site Review
I know that there are so many chan boards or boorus out there and I'm also an anime fan. So, when I first learned about this site, I thought it was a booru dedicated to pornographic content related to the popular 2000s anime called "Bleach". But when I entered the site and checked the posts and even the channels or boards, it actually has a lot more kinds of materials than I expected. Bleachbooru turns out to be a porn chan board for "bleached" content. It means it is dedicated to content that displays White Supremacy. The content shared here can contain scenes featuring "white" characters or interracial "white" + "colored" characters.
Well, the thing about Booru sites is that they work a lot differently from hentai image sites and other animated porn sites. Booru sites are more complicated so they're more likely used by people who use them for other purposes aside from enjoying the graphic porn materials that they have. Most users also join the website or become regular visitors browsing for the newest content posted by their favorite artists.
How BleachBooru Works
Just in case you're not familiar with Porn Chan and Booru websites, their home pages usually look like a certain search engine's main page. However, they are not really search engines. You can use the search bar to make a quick look-up on the content on BleachBooru and on this site alone. On the other hand, you can browse the site's content freely by clicking on "Posts" to get to the page where you can find recently added content, popular tags, and shortcut links to pages that will help you in browsing this site. In case you want to share your own content here on BleachBooru, make sure to check out the "New Rules" page before posting anything here.
For porn chan boards, it's necessary to take the trouble of visiting the rules page and you have to make sure to take your time to learn what type of content you can post on this site and how to add tags to your posts. The reason for this is mainly because just like BleachBooru, these sites are usually dedicated to a specific type of content. As I have mentioned earlier, BleachBooru is dedicated to "White Supremacy" content. It would be a problem for other people using BleachBooru if they will end up browsing content they don't expect to find.
BleachBooru Indexes
Just like other porn chan sites, BleachBooru has a lot of pages to explore such as the Posts page, Comments, Notes, Artists, Tags, Pools, Wiki, Forum, Help, New Rules, and more. On the home page, you will only find Posts, Comments, Tags, and Wiki aside from the search box. You can also click on the double arrow button for more options and it will take you to a page where you can find all of the indexes on Bleachbooru. That's also how I found out how massive this place is. You can easily explore everything you would want to know about Bleachbooru and its content from there. You won't need the email address or even the Twitter account of the site's moderator if all of the answers you're looking for can be easily found here.
Now, let's talk about the listed links based on your needs. First of all, which I also think is the most important, is how you can browse through the popular content posted on Bleachbooru. You can find the sorting options under Posts. You can explore Popular Content according to time which is almost similar to Reddit. You can browse the popular content in the last 24 hours, by day, by week, and by month. I wonder why there's no option for "by year".
If you want to search for your favorite or usual content tag, I'd say you'd better use the search box to find content based on it. That's because whether you look at the Tags List (All) or List (Cloud View), there are too many to check. At least the Cloud View displays only the most popular tags but you will definitely take too long to browse through the entire tag list (all). I noticed though that if you don't intend to search for a specific tag, there's a good number of tags for you to browse on Cloud View.
On the other hand, if you are a fan of porn graphic artists, you should click on the Artists button from the menu bar. The names are arranged in order to display the most recently updated Artist username. It also shows the times the username was changed along with the previous usernames.
Anyway, if you really aren't looking for any specific kind of content and you just love the kind of theme Bleachbooru has, the two ways I recommend that you try two ways to go through the posts here. The first is by simply clicking on Posts from the homepage which will display new posts every time you refresh it. Well, you'd better wait for around 10 minutes though to see more than one new post. The second option is by choosing the Popular by month or by day depending on how frequently you intend to visit Bleachbooru.
Is BleachBooru Worth Visiting?
Honestly, I'm amazed by the quality of the images posted here on Bleachbooru. The images posted are all worth downloading because of their sizes and resolution. They are all professionally drawn digitally as well. It surely is the kind of place anime and cartoon porn fans would love visiting every now and then.
When it comes to indexing and searching, Bleachbooru is reliable. That's despite the fact that there are an awful lot of tags and indexes here. The search box is always working perfectly well and you will always get the results related to your keywords. The results will always show at least one result you will surely love. Well, if there's one thing I wish Bleachbooru can add to its features, it would be adding an Infinite scroll button to let site visitors and members see all of the posts without having to jump through different places and indexes here.
One more topic I'd like to talk about briefly is the existence of a Forum here. Unlike most forums, this one is more like a series of Q&A topics and threads for members but under the moderation of this place's admin.
access thousands of high-quality digital artworks for free
there are a lot of ways to enjoy exploring the vast collection
it's an amazing directory for artists who fans would love to support even on other platforms
it doesn't work like the usual porn picture sites where images can be searched in the same type of way tube sites and blogs work
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