MyHentaiComics (

MyHentaiComics - Free Hentai Sex Comics, Adult, Porn, Milftoon, JAB Comix, Incest, Furry, ArtOfJaguar, Gay, Palcomix, JKR Comix, Jay Naylor, Futanari, Yaoi, Lesbian, Yuri, HNTcomics, My Hentai Comics Review

Myhentaicomics is a relatively good hentai porn site that focuses on animated cartoon porn comics.

The content on the site doesn't seem to be truly Japanese hentai, but more western-style cartoon porn like Scooby-Doo and Xmen.

This doesn't mean the content isn't good. Just that if you are looking for true Japanese hentai, you could probably find several other hentai porn sites that would be providing you with the types of comics that you are looking for!

Also, Myhentaicomics focuses only on comics, so if you are looking for good HD quality videos, you will need to head to other sites that focus on that niche.

Myhentaicomics Homepage

The homepage layout of is decidedly average.

No features really jump out as being spectacularly good or bad.

The website design looks a bit dated, the comics on display on the homepage are a bit too large, and are taking up a lot of space, and they display very little information. They only highlight the title, with no additional information such as content tags, page count, rating, author, or anything else of the sort.

Once you select a comic, however, you do get a spread of all the pages of the stories, so you can quickly see if you want to continue through and read the entire manga.

There are also some content tags on the top, and you can see the manga artist, but there still is no information on ratings, total views, or categories.

Top Navigation Bar

The nav bar at the top of Myhentaicomics is pretty bad.

Its design is quite blockish, in both design and functionality.

The top bar features a bunch of links to other similar porn sites that focus on hentai comics (isn't that what this one is already??), videos, rule34 content, and the option to buy merch.

They seem to be all sister sites, and I understand the desire to direct user traffic to your own sites, but maybe don't include them in the most prominent area of the site. When I arrive at, I'm not looking to immediately jump to another site.

Once you get past the confusing redirecting top section, then you arrive at the second section.

This area gives you the option to redirect to the home page, view all categories, original comics, most popular, then a shortlist of the top categories that Myhentaicomics thinks you are searching for, so you can quickly search for them.

Categories such as tentacles, rape, furry, hardcore, yaoi (gay), yuri (lesbian), incest, and ass expansion can all be accessed directly from the home page navigation bar.

Additionally, there is a small search bar on the top right that allows you to look up specific keywords.

If you scroll to the bottom, you have a page selector that lets you know that there are a total of 180,000 comics, and that number seems to be growing through regular content updates.

Myhentaicomics Filters

My Hentai Comics does not have a good filtering system at all.

Actually, scratch that, they just do not have a filter system at all to speak of.

The site's porn comics can be viewed through the categories lens, but there is no way to further filter the site's content. You can't narrow sex comics and stories based on votes, top viewed, top-rated, or anything.

This makes finding all your favorite furries and incest sex manga incredibly difficult, and unless you have a specific manga that you know and love, then you will basically be choosing your porn content at random.

Myhentaicomics, you and I both know you can be better here.

Category Tags

Myhentaicomics does sort of have a tag feature.

In the search box mentioned before, you can actually type in a specific tag and the site will show you all the results.

These results will include porn sex comics with the keyword in the title, description, or as a content tag.

So, you can get to your tentacles, gay, furry, or incest porn stories quickly and can get all your hentai on one page. You just won't be able to sort it in any definable way once you get there.


Myhentaicomics is no different than other free hentai porn sites.

All websites need to make money somehow, and the easiest route is through the site hosting some degree of ads. There are a few pop-ups on this site, but in general, they aren't too intrusive and there are no autoplay videos. So, I appreciate that.

Download Options

My hentai comics makes it difficult to download.

You can't download entire porn comics at once, but instead, have to go in manually and download individual pages from the site. This is just a pain and makes the process incredibly slow. Most top porn sites that focus on hentai allow you this simple feature, and it can make it very quick and easy to compile all your quality sex art in one place.

Whether you're talking yaoi (gay), yuri (lesbian), or tentacles (self-explanatory), it would be nice to have the ability through the site to download entire comics so you can view them offline.

Myhentaicomics Community

Most porn sites that I review that I think highly of will have a strong community.

My Hentai Comics does not.

There are almost no comments to be found even on the site's most popular posts. The site has no discord chat available, so you don't have the ability to connect directly with other users.

This is a big miss by Myhentaicomics, and is quite unfortunate, because if you had a strong community you may make up for the lack of a robust category selection and filtering options through peer-to-peer recommendation and sex art sharing.

This is not the case, and I can't give the site a glowing review based on that sole criteria.

Final Review and Thoughts

I have my issues with the site, but the reality is that Myhentaicomics is just another average hentai site.

Most of the issues with this website are to be found on many similar sites.

Where My Hentai Comics shines would have to be its content niche. It focuses on western-style cartoon sex stories.

Most hentai sites will focus on Japanese hentai, so does provide you with something just a little different.


  • Western-style hentai


  • Lack of filtering options
  • Poor design and layout
  • Little-to-no community
  • Awful downloading process

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