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TKTube Asian Porn Tube Site Review
Here's another free porn tube site that offers tons of Japanese porn videos. We know that there are also tons of sites just like this one and we have even listed some of the most popular ones here on our site. So why add another JAV site to this list? Well, if you're someone like me who has checked so many adult sites, I'm sure you also know that there's no perfect porn site that lets its users watch videos for free. That's especially true for tube sites that have an amazingly huge collection of videos. That's because more often than not, those videos are actually hosted on servers that other sites are also using. That means there's a huge possibility that there are also a lot of people watching the same videos you do at the same time causing those videos to take time to load. It's definitely not fun and you'd just want to continue your sexual adventure somewhere else - and that's where other options come in. Although right now, we're going to focus on TKTube and whether or not it makes a good backup or your main go-to site for Japanese porn videos.
TKTube Site Design And Navigation
TKTube looks like most free porn tube sites that aren't even just in the JAV niche. From the layout to its font, everything is just way too familiar. In my opinion, I think it's good because you just need your instincts to tell you where you can find stuff. You can sign up for a free account here on TKTube using the registration popup link on the header and log in to it with the link right beside it. You can use the search box right below the header to look for videos that you wish exist here. But if you're not looking for anything specific, you can also browse for videos that are surely here by using a couple of options on the menu bar. You can easily lay your hands on the latest Japanese porn videos, top-rated, and most viewed by clicking on the page options that correspond to them on the menu. Those are, in other words, the sorting options. You can also stay on the homepage and sort them using the sorting tool with a pop-under list below the menu bar. It will give you more choices too. Aside from the Latest, Most Viewed, and Top Rated, you can also choose from Longest, Most Commented, and Most Favorite. If you want to filter the huge collection of Japanese adult videos on TKTube, you can check out the categories.
There are only a few categories here on TKTube and some of them are kind of unique which are the three main JAV porn studios that produced most of the videos on this site. There are also categories that are common among JAV sites such as JAV Uncensored, Mosaic Removed, Asian Amateur, and JAV Censored. What surprised me is that aside from Anime videos, there are also Western porn videos here too. But if there's any category I suggest that you should check out is the Korean BJ Dance. It's definitely not JAV but at least it's Asian. Although there are very few categories here on TKTube, it has tons of tags in English and Japanese languages. I don't really suggest using the index because you might get dizzy not knowing where to look because the tags are listed alphabetically but they're of random themes like pornstars, studios, fetishes, and more combined. However, if you want to feed your curiosity, go ahead and click on the Show All Tags button under the Categories page.
Aside from the search options, even the section with the featured videos on TKTube also look similar to most free porn tubes. The thumbnails contain details about the videos such as their title, length, upload date or time, and rating. For videos that are in HD quality, you'll find HD icons on them. Hover your mouse on the thumbnails to get quick previews of the highlights in the videos. Most of the thumbnails use adult DVD covers while some that don't have them feature a screenshot of the best views on the videos while some feature the best views of the babes in them.
Videos And Content Quality
Now let us get talking about the most important thing to consider about TKTube is whether it has good content or not and whether you can rely on it for your porn needs. Surely TKTube has tons of Japanese porn videos but are they worth watching? If you're one of those folks who don't have the patience to watch an entire JAV movie, TKTube might work quite well for you. Unlike other JAV sites on our list, TKTube doesn't have a lot of full JAV movies but it does have some of them. What you can find here are a lot of hot scenes in a length that's common among premium Western porn movies which are around 45 minutes. It's the average length for JAV videos but since there are also hentai clips and Western porn on TKTube, they are in different lengths.
How about the playback video quality? What I find adorable about TKTube is that you can watch these videos in HD quality and you can also choose to watch them in a lower quality just in case the server gets busy. It doesn't happen often but it's an option. Saves you time in switching to another site when you have already found good porn to watch. It isn't so feasible but better than no options at all. There's something else that you can do as an alternative to streaming the videos here on TKTube. You can get the download link but for most videos, it's not going to be free though.
Final Verdict On TKTube
There are quite a number of things that can be appreciated about TKTube aside from its boring looks and kind of meaningless name. However, there are also a few things that aren't so likable about it at the same time just like how there are plenty of ads. They're manageable but not tolerable if you're not using any protection. Some of the ads may lead you to unsafe places so better keep yourself protected before heading to TKTube.
tons of free JAV movies and other Asian porn clips
most of the videos are playable for up to 720p
lots of annoying ads
few full-length and freshly released JAV movies
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